VW Treffen Gollhofen 2008

  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  

  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  

 Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu
                                                    Tobi wollt scheinbar gleich wieder weng pinstripen
 Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  

 Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  

  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu
                  Das Treffen brachte den G-Siders 2 Pokale  ein,und zwar Tobi`s Derby u.mein Karmann
                   der aber gleich aus trotz weil er`s nur auf den2.schaffte zu zicken begann u.zur Verleihung
                  geschoben werden mußte. Hatten dann aber kurzum an dem Dreckskübel den Schaden behoben
                   und der Anlasser startete wieder.
                  Dann gabs noch 4 Burnouts auf den Platz wobei der Camaro 2 mal durfte u.sich mein Woodie
                  Beamer nicht lumpen ließ u.auch gleich mal abdrückte. Den 4.hat dann so ein Mopedfahrer mit seiner
                  100ccm Schüssel gemacht wie auch immer der auf das Treffen gekommen ist.
VW Treffen Gerolzhofen 2008 

   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu

   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu

                                    VW Treffen Gollhofen 2009
  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu
    wegen der Angst das mir der Käfer während der Fahrt unterm  Arsch weg rostet gabs erstmal viel Geschimpfe
    wegen dem   Wetter....
    Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu 
    Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu
    Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu
    Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

                                          VW Treffen Gollhofen 2010  

    Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu
     Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

     Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu

     Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu

     Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

     Document made with Nvu