                                                                                           ( Yeah- get Crunk !  )

Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

  Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu
  Hallrads Geb.tag, da wo irgendwelche                                                                                        18.5.08 Lil Jon (and the motherfucking G-Side-
  Idioten gesponnen haben u.die Bude zerlegt haben                                                                        Boyz) live im Diva selbst fotographiert
  Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu
                                                                                               D i v a  -  P a l a c e
   Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu

      Document made with Nvu       Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu
                70 Grad                                                         A i r p o r t                                                                 Capi

     Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu

     Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu
                  Tamis Party

    Document made with Nvu     Document made with Nvu

    Document made with Nvu     Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu
                    Airport    LINK                      Airport Link                          Kerwasundoch 2012  Link                After Capi Party  Link

       Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu
                                         Anders s Birthday

      Document made with Nvu     Document made with Nvu

                                                               Andys  Birthday   `s
       Document made with Nvu         Document made with Nvu          Document made with Nvu

Document made with Nvu          Document made with Nvu         Document made with Nvu      Document made with Nvu
              2012    Link

       Document made with Nvu     Document made with Nvu
                                                                          Couching LINK
       Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu

      Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu
                                                                                                            Capi LINK                             Timä s Birthday LINK

       Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu
                     Capi                                         Fsching 2014 LINK

                                               Pool  Party
     Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu

    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu     Document made with Nvu     Document made with Nvu

      Document made with Nvu      Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu

      Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu      Document made with Nvu

      Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu  

       Document made with Nvu
                 Mopedtouren Link

       Document made with Nvu
                   Surf Link

                                                                       Geburtstagsabsturtz 2007
                                                 der schlechteste Tag überhaupt !

                                                                      Document made with Nvu

        Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu
    nein, er kuckt da nicht überglücklich
                       Document made with Nvu           Document made with Nvu         Document made with Nvu
                                                        Der Tag an dem man sich den Alkohol abgewöhnte !

                               Silvester 08/09  
G--Siders Vs Tuner in Bu rg berncoa sting  

          Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

          Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

          Document made with Nvu

                                               so zw ischend ing er
                     Document made with Nvu Document made with Nvu Document made with Nvu
               end e  Somm era bend e  immm  er in Kitzi und  imm mm  er fett Crunk  a m   Sta rt

                                       Silvester 09/10  
                                          G -Siders Vs. Mark theidencoaster

       Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

       Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

       Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

        Document made with Nvu        Document made with Nvu          Document made with Nvu         Document made with Nvu
                zu Zimmer gepennt und niemand hatte Sex ( glaub ich ) , das ist doch traurig (:
        Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu
        die große Putzung      Raketenabschußbasis    man, wenn man den schon
                                                                                                 in der Nacht gefunden hätte

                                                    Silvester 10/11
                      Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu    Document made with Nvu
     diese Jahr hat ein Teil von uns in Uffenheim rein gefeiert und war irgendwie echt ne fette PArty

                                      Silvester 2011/2012    
                                                                        beim Tobi, checkt den Link

                                        Silvester 2012/2013  
                                                                     Document made with Nvu
              unterm Bild is n Link, man müßt es halt hochheben und drunter kucken oder so ...

                                Silvester 2013/2014    
                                                                          Document made with Nvu


                       Silvester 2014/2015  
                                Schweiz / Lago M a g g iore 

                                          Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu


                                 Silvester 2015/2016  

       Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

             fett Würzburg über der Stadt rein gefeiert, leider zu neblig für tole BIlder
                               Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu

             war trotzdem  sau lustige Party und erstrecht Downtown mit den Leuten die irgendwie
                       mit dem  Käfer nicht klar gekommen sind :)

                       Silvester 16/17  

    Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu

      Document made with Nvu  Document made with Nvu
                                                                  fett in Würzburg rein und durch gefeiert ....

                                                                                       Moped Tour Wüerzburg 22/23
                                  Document made with Nvu   Document made with Nvu      Document made with Nvu

                                                                               Würzburg 23/24
                                                                      Document made with Nvu
